Why New Hydraulic Hoses Should Be Cleaned Before Installation

11 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog


Have you failed to trace why your hydraulic hoses may be failing prematurely? Read on and discover why you should start cleaning every new hydraulic hose before you install it in order to get rid of contaminants that may be shortening the life of those hoses.

Manufacturing Lubricants

Hydraulic hoses are usually manufactured using a mandrel to create the desired shape and internal diameter. Manufacturers apply lubricants on the materials from which hoses are made. Those lubricants often remain on the hydraulic hoses after the manufacturing process has been completed. Using the hose without cleaning it first can result in shortened hose life in case the lubricants aren't compatible with the fluids or operating conditions to which the hoses are subjected.

Contaminants from Cutting the Hose

It is often necessary to cut a hydraulic hose in order to reduce it to the desired length. Cutting also paves way to install the hose fittings that will be necessary to fit the hose to the hydraulic system. Rubber dust can be generated during this cutting process. This dust gets collected within the hydraulic hose. Cleaning the hose before it is used helps to remove these contaminants so that they don't affect the performance of the hose.

Damage from Crimping

Some premature hydraulic hose failures could be caused by the tiny metal shards that are released when you crimp a hose before or during the installation process. Those metal shards can become deadly blades that keep making microscopic cuts into the hose as hydraulic fluid flows through the system at high pressure. The cuts can eventually become so severe that the hose will burst or develop multiple leaks. This problem would have been averted if the hose had been cleaned before it was deployed in the hydraulic system.

Airborne Contaminants

Hydraulic hoses normally lack seals at their ends when they are manufactured. Dust and other airborne contaminants can therefore find their way into the hose during shipping, storage and the installation process. Those contaminants may contain substances that can degrade the hoses gradually. It is therefore advisable for you to clean the hoses before you install them so that you remove any airborne contaminants that may trigger adverse reactions with the hydraulic fluid in your equipment or vehicle.

As you can see, your hose problems may be stemming from your failure to clean the new hoses before you install them. Start cleaning all new hoses before using them so that you can rule out the premature wear caused by contaminants in the new hoses. Consult hydraulics experts for assistance in case hose failures persist.